Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Tirstrup BioMechanics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Tirstrup BioMechanics - Assignment Example Therefore procuring assets in a developed market like USA will certainly give an edge to the company. While considering the Private placement debt option the company must not be unduly bothered about gaining explicit visibility in the public markets, because that is not going to have a big impact on the fortunes of the company as its products are not for the common consumer, which can be bought off the shelf for daily use. For the business clients what matters the most is the quality and creditability. Business clients like to be dealt with directly and not through the public media. As for inviting proposals and ideas form financial institutions and giving them a vague promise if 'future business' doesn't make much of a sense if it is not form a well established company with strong credentials in the target market. It appears that the company has a ready cash of US$ 30 million, while another US$ 163 million is within easy reach provided Julie can present a formidable and convincing proposal before the Tirstrup's Board. Issuing commercial paper has some amount of uncertainty around it and sounds to be a costly proposition. The company will have to work hard for A1/P1 rating with a payment for back-up line and there are also the risks like re-pricing and re-funding.

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